Financial Industry Environmental Care for Sustainable Development Program (Program Industri Jasa Keuangan Peduli Lingkungan Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) has entered the implementation phase in the field. One of the highlights of the OJK and IJK mangrove planting programs is the use of a tree monitoring system that is able to provide regular information to partners or donors.
Montree or Monitoring Tree is a responsible and standardized tree planting and monitoring platform. Montree has a data collection instrument, to record and store data related to planting activities and the current state of trees.
In the OJK and IJK programs, monitoring of plant conditions will be carried out for the next 3 years. Where all partners can see the condition of the plants through the montree dashboard, to view the dashboard, each partner needs to login/login to the montree system using the previously registered account/user.
The planting approach using the montree system is expected to increase the success rate of planting and further increase public awareness to carry out environmentally responsible conservation activities.